Influence of News App Development Post COVID Era
Before the era of famous news mobile applications, there was a time when the morning freshness of daily newspaper is unmatchable. We all have grown up experiencing that joy of fresh feeling of that paper. Reading a morning newspaper is like a ritual that many follow for years. However, with the immerse of digital and mobile technology; following your choice of the newspaper has moved to different verticals. Many young and old people have permanently moved to news mobile application to know what’s happenings around the world and particularly from his or her choice of subjects. Unlike print papers, not only apps give to an access to latest news many times a day, it also give convenience to read as well.
Most of the news publication houses have experienced the downfall of traditional newspaper subscriptions ever since the inception of the news application and particularly the post-pandemic era. And on the other hand, the application usage analytics shows an increase in a manifold month after month, not only for the readership but for revenue generation as well. Today digital news platform is no longer behind when it comes to generating advertising revenue as well as getting PR done.
Need Of News Mobile Application
Mobile users are connected with applications far more than it was earlier and most of them are disconnected from the real world. Mobile has become an initial source of information for anything and everything. And for the news industry, it has become more important to be first when it comes to breaking any news. This always first approach with news distribution can only be possible when you have the best and the most robust short news application for content distribution.
Benefits Of News Mobile Application
There are several benefits that an app can give you as a branded news agency or news aggregator when it comes to the latest and fasted news application development. Some of the core benefits are mentioned below.
Better Conversion
When you compare the conversion rates of mobile applications with the traditional source of news like newspapers and magazines, the app version is too far. It allows direct download through app stores and makes it possible to access news in a blink. Also, it has better conversion rates compared to print media as the app can be accessed multiple times to check the latest news from anywhere.
Improved Subscription
Through the mobile app, anyone from the remotest place can access the news. A home can have a subscription to a single or two newspapers but mobile can give you far more options to read online.
Improved User Interactions
More than any print or electronic medium, mobile applications have a better interface for improved interactions with users. You can collect users’ data like news preferences, location, interest, feedback, comments and more through the mobile application.
Higher Revenue
News aggregator apps like Inshort, Daily Hunt, Way2News clone have multiple revenue models like integrating third-party monetization like Google AdMob or Facebook Ad platforms, going for direct advertisements or opting for paid subscriptions as well. All of these are high revenue-generating models that can be used for news feed application development.
Cost of News Mobile App Development
Most of start-ups, news freelancers, news aggregator and branded news portal often ask us how much would be the cost? As a news mobile application development company we must say that the initial development cost is too low and one can afford it easily. Also we give them integrated solutions of revenue through advertisement platforms of Google and Facebook so that you can start earning from the very first day.
Now, stop waiting and give us a call to know more about news mobile app we can custom develop for you.