Optimize Facebook Engagement With Some Changes In Your Facebook Marketing Campaign
Creating a Facebook Fan Page is the easiest part of Facebook marketing campaign. But once the ice is broken with your customers, it can be difficult to get innovative ideas that can grab the attention and encourage others to interact on your page. At Brand Core Media, as a Facebook Marketing Company we know that getting fans to be active and interact on your wall is the best way to turn them as your customers and create loyalty as well.
Here are some of the tips that can help to improve engagement on Facebook Fan Page.
Update more images: According to official analytics from the Facebook, update that includes images has almost 120% more chance compare to the post that is text base or without image. Now that we have so many creative options available for updates, fans always prefer to have interesting posts with small text and conceptual image that tells story rather than the text messages that actually never get fully read. Workout on how your brand can use more images to make your page interesting for the purposes your want.
Update at times when there are higher chance of readability: Always remember that Facebook update has very short shelf life. With so much content being produced every day for so many brands, news feed, user generated content and other thing, it really makes difficult to ensure that your update has been seen and observed by your fans. As a Facebook marketing company we know that there are be certain time slot like between 1pm to 3pm where there are highest chance for users to get seriously active on Facebook. However this is not guaranteed and result may vary from case to case. You can use Facebook Insights to know which of your updates were the most popular. Remember, if more people are engaging with you at the middle of the night, then this could be the best time for your brand to get social. Search out what works best out of few update posted at different time of the day and based on that establish what is the best approach for your business.
Ask Questions: Based on some of the commonly observed habits, when we ask a direct question to anyone, we are more likely to get answer. Be it right or wrong, it increases the involvement of fans to your page. Once started such practices on regular basis one will discover that it will give far better response than expected.
Run A Contest: Running a contest amongst a Facebook fan is a brilliant option to encourage people to get interactive with your brand. If the same is been followed by some prizes or coupons for online shopping that winner will receive then your audience would love to win. This really gives them reason to get involve on your page. Make sure you follow all Facebook guidelines to run a contest and use an app rather than just providing link for visitors to travel to the outer page.
Use Promoted Post: This is certainly a new feature that Facebook has updated in recent time. It allows you to highlight your post or update from pages to appear in news feed with paying little extra money for that. The amount depends on different factors that count. Considering such factor can help your brand to get more visible. It reducing the chance that your post will lost amongst the clutter, especially more useful when you are running contest or discount offers.
Respond To What People Are Commenting Or Questioning: Once you establish a relationship with your fans, make sure you nurture that with care. If people are leaving your page with positive or negative comments, appearing into the contest or asking questions related to brands; respond them in a timely manner. By doing such you can develop robust relationship with fans and motivate them to keep engaging.
Implement and integrate few of these processes into your Facebook marketing strategy to get best out of your fans. Make sure that you use most of these regularly and into a right manner. As one of the leading Facebook Marketing Company in Ahmedabad, we always nurture what makes best with your clients and how it can be served to get the highest result. After all, Facebook marketing is reaching to your customers where they are and how they want.